About Us

You’re after growth. Repeatable, scalable, profitable growth.

But how?

Backed by decades of experience, we created Bright Evolve for more sales, better results, the buzz of targets, good fun and growth. But more than that, we created it to take passionate leaders and teams on a journey.

No pushing, no shoving, no shouting, no boasting. We prefer skilful strategy and teamwork instead.

Our ambition is to see you fly.

Let's talk

Who we are

Bright Evolve is driven by a simple belief: passion is the spark of every successful venture. When Tom Bright, our founder, set up the business in 2023, his passion was to help businesses through their phases of growth. 

Tom finds that whatever business he’s serving, in whatever sector, he never fails to get enthusiastic about it. It’s a mindset that comes from having over two decades of B2B Sales experience in founder-led, investor-backed companies. And it’s fuelled by knowing the power and importance of having the right partnerships. 

Tom’s experience is the foundation that Bright Evolve is built on. We’re at our best when we’re working together with our clients towards a common goal, balancing seasoned insight with genuine curiosity and practical action. When you’re successful, we know that’s a job well done.